Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cold Breakfast Potluck Ideas

Badoo does not work for Facebook, the chat does not open the game

today without leaving Facebook with the new application I found that Badoo does not work, does not open the chat of my favorite community to find a soul mate. Why
by FB wrong and I'm not access my profile? Luckily I soon discovered the problem making me some pages to help with expertise in Italian. Basically when I connect to the meetings and the quiz game using the account of the blue two social network site interact with each other via the same email as your password then change from one to another. Since
on two different computers I have a profile for work and one for friends where you can see their photos because they are among their contacts, I had forgotten that I was trying to access the login to another e-mail and rightly 'application did not recognize me asked to agree to new terms with their registration. So here
solved the problem, but since I'm in, I add some tips on the site to meet your soul mate who is making a comeback among people who love this kind of community here in Italy and in parts as the English girls, France and the countries of Eastern Europe.
other times during the year that happens Badoo does not work and the chat does not open, but it is just maintenance or server fails, what to do when this happens? Do not be scared, fearing that they took forever your personal profile or even eliminated forever the social network soul mate, sometimes the chat does not open for problems connection, but you just need a little 'patience and give time to people of all responsibility to return as before.


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